Today I was going to post the scones I mentioned in my previous post but those are being pushed back in favour of this short little post today. Fear not, adults – I’m not about to turn my blog into a baby food extravaganza but blogs should evolve with their writers. I am now, since almost 8 months, a father. Feeding my son is naturally a big thing for me these days and it would be remiss of me to completely ignore that aspect of my life in my writing.
Those of you without kids may find these posts completely uninteresting, but I hope that there will be others, be they parents or not, whom I can inspire, or swap notes with, and at the very least show others that baby food doesn’t have to be all bland, boiled, mashed vegetables and chicken.
We decided long ago that we wanted to prepare our son’s meals ourselves. We’re not the kind of people who really want to just crack open a jar of “puréed something-or-other”. So, in addition to some baby-led weaning (I can’t be 100% on-board with this belief because I feel the whole “no more mush” motto is a little too drastic. I make nice mush!), I want to try and introduce my son to a more diverse range of flavours from an early age because there’s really no reason why you can’t use a great many of the herbs and spices that we normally use in “grown-up cooking” to flavour the food of infants. Likewise, it can be said that many of the dishes that we as adults eat can easily be adapated for babies and toddlers. Naturally you have to keep some things in mind – don’t salt the food, leave out the chillies for now, and try and introduce one new thing at a time so you can check for and identify intolerances or allergies.
Anyway, we’re big bean-eaters in this household and although my son has already enjoyed a nice piece of roast beef which he chomped down on with great gusto I’ve decided to explore these staples with him, beloved by so many vegetarians, inspired by his seeming adoration of hummus a few weeks ago after I made some and forgot to salt it. He was crazy for it, even despite the slightly strong garlic flavour. Today I decided to go for a fairly simple bean purée using kidney beans, olive oil and some good old cumin. Let’s see what the little guy thinks of it…
Kidney Bean Purée
Serves: Makes enough for ~2 meals for a 7 month old child
Preparation and cooking time: ~3 minutes
- ~40g Kidney Beans
- 2tsps Olive Oil
- Pinch of Cumin
- Pinch of Black Pepper
- Place all ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth. The end result doesn’t have the most appetizing of appearances, but hey – it’s the flavour that counts for babies!
Let’s give this a try. He doesn’t seem entirely convinced at first…
Now he sits there for a bit, staring into space… pondering over the unknown flavours. Is he going to spit it out and cry?
Nope! One more dish that’s baby-approved!
I’ll be back next time with the promised scones, and I won’t be posting baby-food recipes all the time, but I think it’s nice to share my activities with people – I hope you agree! Have a nice day everyone :).
Great stuff Charles, thank you!
I wish I had your post/site around when my son was at this age. Now it is only pasta/rice and a few vegetables being eaten. still work in progress to get him back on eating all kinds of food.
Keep up the baby recipes, very useful, will come in handy, now or later again 😉
Thanks Bo :). Right now William seems to like most things… I hope this will continue! I spent 3 hours in the kitchen yesterday cooking him up 21 pots of food for his meals… happy days! 🙂
That last shot says it all, so cute!
Thanks a lot Raymund 🙂
Hah, those three photos look like they’re from a baby food commercial! Charlies Mushy Delights ™…?
<3 I make the best mush, you know it!
Wee William is such a gorgeous baby. Absolutely no need to apologise for what you post on your blog. Especially with me – you have been more than gracious re everything I have posted and extremely gracious indeed during your pre-child day (and secretly, your posts featuring Wee William are my favourite) xx
Hehe, mine too Charlie – mine too!
It’s great that you’re making your son’s food all by yourself. But to be honest, reading your blog for a while now, I could not see it otherwise 🙂
It’s a great source of satisfaction! I spent 3 hours in the kitchen last weekend making 25 meals for him 🙂
I have no problems with the baby/kid friendly posts though I’m unlikely to try them out, at least until I start having to gum my food. 🙂
William does look like he’s giving the new dish careful consideration … flavour, texture etc.
Oh yeah, he knows what he likes! Unfortunately that seems to include soil from plant pots and leaves these days :p
Sounds like the little guy is looking for some roughage. 🙂 I understand that’s the way kids learn about they’re environment. They taste everything.
Wish he’d settle for “looking”. It’s kind of icky to pick out lumps of dirt from his latest exploration of the flower-pot and then still discover clods of earth half an hour later in his ear of all places!
Wow look at your gorgeous son! And I’d eat it as a dip accompanied by a lovely glass of wine so it works for everyone 🙂
Hi Chica – it would make a great dip, although I’d blend it a little more coarsely for myself I think!
Just look at that twinkle in his eyes Charles! He is a doll. So beautiful. I love that you’ve already introduced him to cumin (and garlic!). He’s on his way to being a good “trier of things” as Mr. N refers to himself. 🙂 He loved garlic at an early age too. The more the better. He’s that way to this day. Hey maybe I should try cumin on kidney beans for myself…I’ve never quite been able to eat them. Maybe cumin is the trick! Thanks for the smile today – he is just so beautiful. 🙂
Mm, cumin makes everything better – that’s what I say! A favourite midnight snack of mine is a can of chickpeas, olive oil, salt, pepper, and a liberal sprinkling of cumin! Delish!
Aww, William is just so utterly sweet and I think it’s awesome that you’re posting a baby recipe Charles! You know how I feel about introducing youngsters to real food as soon as possible and just look at the grin on that boy! Does he look like he’s suffering? I think not . The cumin rocks!!
Thanks Kelly! I spent 3 hours in the kitchen last weekend making him 25 meals! It’s fun to see what he enjoys or doesn’t! That seems to include soil from plant pots right now though, lol!
The good thing about this is that it’d make a great “adult” dish, although I’d grind it up a bit more coarsely for myself.
Those photos are pure magic! It’s wonderful that you’re introducing him to new taste sensations.
Thanks Maureen 🙂
Aaah, gorgeous photos Charles. Well done you for making all his food. I did the same with my two (although it doesn’t seem to have stopped them turning into complete fuss pots as they are now exercising their right to say ‘no’!!!) I never thought of doing kidney beans though…great idea and if I ever go for ‘Number 3? I shall make sure to mush up some beans!
Hi Anneli! You did the same? Any tips from someone who’s “done it all before” would be gratefully received!
Sure thing. My kids loved salmon & broccoli in a cheese sauce blitzed. Avocado and banana together, hand mashed is a good one if you need something on the hop. Sweet potato and anything… ! Red lentils with tons of veggies & a little stock was a favourite too. Courgette, potato and grated cheese. Pears and vanilla… The list goes on. I used to spend hours making my kids food and they were quite gourmet. But nowadays all they want is saucisson and chips so all that effort has not paid off. I live in hope that it’s just a phase… Good luck 🙂 xx
Oh, thank you so much! I love the idea of avocado and banana… I’ll try that for sure! Sweet potato he loves as well, much to my disdain because I find it really hard to like that stuff. Good call on the others… red lentils especially because they’re so nom nom! Gonna make him some pears and vanilla I think as well! Thanks Anneli 🙂
Love that you are making William’s health and nutrition a priority. I wouldn’t expect anything else from a food blogger than to make their own baby food at home ;).
Thanks Laura! Indeed, and I’m sure he’ll develop a real obsession with beans and cumin, given my penchant for it, lol 😀
Love the play by play photos Charles. I’m mighty impressed that little William likes pureed kidney beans …with cumin no less! Wow! I still can’t get the girls to eat dishes with cumin flavouring — although I would say that they were quite open to new foods as babies. As they’ve grown their food tastes have changed and they have become quite fickle (they love something one week and the next week it is the worst food ever). It is great that you are making your own baby food Charles. I think the big pay off is that they grow up knowing what real food tastes like! Hope things are well with you!
Ah, he takes after his old man! I’m obsessed with cumin. It’s my all time favourite spice! I used to hate all sorts of things when I was a kid… now I feel like I missed out on so much back then so I hope William won’t be too picky!
Gorgeous images!!
I love your food philosophy for children. I have had five children from 22 down to 5years old and I have always feed them whatever we are eating, albeit in mushy form if they were little. We have no food intolerance and my children eat EVERYTHING! They are healthy kids and adults.
Be warned though… once or twice in my children’s upbringing, in an emergency situation (holidays etc) I tried to open a jar of commercial baby food only to have it spat back at me. It seems that if children don’t start on the baby jars, they don’t like commercial rubbish… who would have guessed 😉
Hi GG – commercial baby food… yuck. We’ve had to do it once when travelling. We went for the fruit stuff, because, well, at least it’s fruit. The other stuff… beans and chicken looked positively revolting!
Well I don’t have kids but I sure did enjoy this post, especially those great pictures of William testing out the puree! So cute!! Smart parents you are in making his food. He eats what you eat, but you don’t mush yours up. 🙂
Thanks MJ – I’m looking forward to sharing our meals with him over the months! I want him to experience all the wonderful flavours I can!
Your son approves thoroughly from what I can see! As someone without children, I cannot be as enthusiastic about a baby food recipe as some of your other readers, but it’s a big pleasure to share your joys and experience with the youngest member of your family (especially if it concerns the food ;)).
I find it very interesting and laudable that you add spices and herbs and thus develop his palate and curiosity. I have always been convinced that bland food given to children leads to an adulthood with multiple food phobias… I happen to love kidney beans (the other day I made some chili con carne I hadn’t made for ages and when I ate some beans from the can, I thought: why I don’t eat them more often?).
Thank you Sissi 🙂
I love chilli con carne! I haven’t had it in a long time. We don’t eat much meat these days… even less than we used to. I miss a good steak, haha! I spent 3 hours in the kitchen last sunday, making William 25 meals! I tried to put different spices and herbs in so he can get a really good selection of flavours. So far he really enjoyed the one with carrot, potato and sage!
Oh, this cute baby has got such refined taste! I think, he liked the cumin and pepper in his food!! 🙂
Thanks Purabi 🙂
AWWWWW the photos of your baby smiling with his kidney bean puree-smeared lips just made ME smile too. Don’t feel obliged to post about scones because I find it completely adorable and inspiring that you’re letting your baby influence the kinds of food you cook and share with us; you’re obviously an awesome daddy!
Haha. Best of all is how he purses his lips and then blows air out when his mouth is full of food and everyone gets showered in chewed up beans or rice :p. The screen of my TV is covered in spots of baby spit :p
Charles, I don’t have children and it’s been ages since I last had occasion to feed a baby in my home; but I don’t object at all to the occasional baby food post. Besides getting to see photos of darling William, it doesn’t hurt to stay informed about this or anything else that doesn’t directly pertain to ME – after all, everything isn’t always all about ME! 😀 And I’m glad you’re making homemade baby food!
Thanks Jean – I didn’t know you didn’t have children… I could have sworn you mentioned you had somewhere, but I must be thinking of someone else. It’s fun to make baby food because it’s a lot of fun to make baby food… it’s a whole new challenge because you have to think what will work well together, what is safe for babies etc. No bird’s eye chillies for him right now 😀
Oh William is very cute Charles, and it’s really lovely that you make his food for him. This bean purée would also make an excellent dip!
Thanks Eva – yes, indeed! I would blend it a bit more coarsely for myself though. It was too smooth…. I’m talking whipped cream kind of smooth by the time I was done with it 😀
I am glad you are not ignoring this wonderfull aspect in life. just look at your sons angelic smile, he is going to be a handsome young man one day. And daddy is feeding him with some protein rich flavorfull kidney bean puree. I am going to keep your kidney beans recipe in mind for the “in case” baby story. Not that I am pregnant!!
Thanks Helene, he really quite liked this! Spent 3 hours last sunday making him 25 meals and he’s enjoying those too. Seems to really like the sage, potato and carrot one I made so far!
AWWW!!! Hello William! ***waving*** I think you just need his approval picture at the end, which says it all about this recipe! 🙂
hi, was searching for health benefits of kidney beans when I stumbled on thus site. I just love the info I’ve read. It’s given me more resolve to make our baby’s foods.
Thank you.
Hi Rose, I’m really glad – there’s tons of stuff that can be made for babies and toddlers, with actually very little effort! 🙂 Good luck 🙂